
Spec2 experience

Over the last few months I’ve been building typed.clj/spec on top of spec-alpha2, the new and improved version of Clojure spec that Alex, Rich and others are building.

Of course, I haven’t been using spec-alpha2 “as intended”, so I don’t have opinions here about open vs closed maps, or the new select operations that are front-and-center in spec2’s marketing.

In brief, typed.clj/spec is a spec metalanguage: it provides specs that reason about other specs.

Thus, as usual I have a bunch of experience with corners of spec2 that perhaps are less interesting to the layperson, and might even be so obscure that even the maintainers of spec2 don’t care :)

With that context, here’s some feedback about my experience with spec2, and how I solved some challenges I faced.

Right off the bat, spec2 is much more pleasant to build on top of than spec1. A library like typed.clj/spec is probably possible with spec1, but the emphasis on specs-as-data with spec2 is very nice.

The big difference between spec2 and spec1 in terms of spec representation is this concept of a “symbolic spec”, which is an extensible notion of a spec that can be created both programatically from data and conventionally using macros. The key new operator is resolve-spec, which creates a spec from its data representation, with extension points create-spec and expand-spec.


The first challenge with typed.clj/spec was to create a “binder” for specs, such that you could write specs like

for all specs x,
  is a function from x to x

This is a bit of a puzzler with spec2, since all symbolic specs “explicate” (fully expand) their arguments. Effectively, if we use symbols for local variables (like fn and let), explicate might turn our example into:

for all specs user/x,
  is a function from user/x to user/x

To get around this, I simply decided to use unqualified keywords as the syntactical representation of type variables.

for all specs :x,
  is a function from :x to :x

Still, this is unsatisfactory when it comes to variable-substitution. What if that body of the spec has :x meaning something other than a type variable?

for all specs :x,
  is a function from (s/cat :x :x) to :x

To get around this, I introduced a macro typed.clj.spec/tv that represents a type-variable occurence.

for all specs :x,
  is a function from (s/cat :x (tv :x)) to (tv :x)

There is a related problem, where we want our polymorphic binder to be able to shadow variables, such as in:

for all specs :x,
  for all specs :x,
    is a function from (s/cat :x :x) to :x

Representing specs as data enabled a neat and extensible solution to shadowing, which I won’t detail here. The end result is a new macro typed.clj.spec/all that represents the “for all” statement above, and a “binder” macro typed.clj.spec/binder that is somewhat related to s/cat.

(s/def ::identity
  (t/all :binder (t/binder :x (t/bind-tv))
         :body (s/fspec :args (s/cat :x (t/tv :x))
                        :ret (t/tv :x))))

To instantiate this polymorphic spec, the implementation replaces (t/tv :x) with the chosen spec.

user=> (-> (t/inst ::identity {:x int?})
(s/fspec :args (s/cat :x int?)
         :ret int?)

Function specs and Explicate

Unfortunately, explicate is a little too eager to resolve symbols when it comes to function specs, which leads to some very obscure error messages.

It is impossible to shadow a global variable using a function spec. For example, if you create a spec for count on strings, you might write the following spec:

(s/def ::string-count
  (s/fspec :args (s/cat :str string?)
           :fn (fn [{ {:keys [str]} :args
                     :keys [ret]}]
                 (= (count str) ret))
           :ret int?))

Unfortunately, explicate resolves both occurrences of str to clojure.core/str, as we can see from the spec’s (prettyfied) expansion:

user=> (s/form (s/resolve-spec ::string-count))
(fspec ...
  :fn (fn [{ {:keys [clojure.core/str]} :args,
           :keys [ret]}]
        (= (count clojure.core/str)

Clearly, not what the programmer intended. Effectively, any binding operator has unpredictable results if used in a function spec, such as let or fn.

user=> (s/explain (s/resolve-spec ::string-count) count)
;Execution error (UnsupportedOperationException)
;  at spec2-fn/eval11966$fn (REPL:7).
;count not supported on this type: core$str

I did some digging in spec1+2 and there seems to be hard-coded support for #(.. % ..) which works well if no macros/special-forms are used in its body.

As a workaround, you can always pull out the implementation of your function spec using a regular Clojure def, and hook it up with the #() special form, like so:

(def string-count-fn
  (fn [{ {:keys [str]} :args
       :keys [ret]}]
    (= (count str) ret)))

(s/def ::string-count
  (s/fspec :args (s/cat :str string?)
           :fn #(string-count-fn %)
           :ret int?))

This is resilient even if you (def % ...) in the current namespace (making a resolvable % breaks even (fn [%] (string-count-fn %)) as the :fn).

fspec iterations

The particular approach I took in conforming t/all specs had unfortunate interactions with fspec.

The intuition behind my approach says, to test if clojure.core/identity conforms to ::identity, instantiate :x to several singleton specs and conform clojure.core/identity to each resulting spec.

For example, the conform

(s/conform ::identity identity)

might internally reduce to the following conforms:

(s/conform (s/fspec :args (s/cat :x #{1})
                    :ret #{1})
(s/conform (s/fspec :args (s/cat :x #{nil})
                    :ret #{nil})
(s/conform (s/fspec :args (s/cat :x #{\a})
                    :ret #{\a})

This almost works–the only wrinkle is that each sub-conform on fspec will call identity on exactly the same input around 20 times due to s/*fspec-iterations*.

I manually rebound s/*fspec-iterations* when this became a performance problem, but I found myself wanting finer-grained control of fspec iterations with nested fspec’s. It might look like the following:

(s/def ::nested-fspecs
  (t/all :binder (t/binder :x (t/bind-tv))
         :body (s/fspec
                 :iterations 1
                 :args (s/cat :f
                           :iterations 10
                           :args (s/cat :x integer?)
                           :ret (t/tv :x)))
                 :ret (t/tv :x))))

This example doesn’t make much sense since the :f arg is generated and not conformed, but note the :iterations syntax. Unsure if this would actually be useful.


I’ve long wondered what instrumentation would look like for polymorphic specs/contracts. Racket using runtime-sealing, which has crippling consequences that is simply not compatible with spec’s raison d’etre.

I have a few ideas, but if I figure it out it would nice if s/instrument was extensible to support more than just fspec. For example, instrumenting ::identity on clojure.core/identity.

26 Apr 2020